Additional Setup Options

The T3i/600D has a number of handy setup options that can make your shooting easier and more efficient. You may have already set more of these options, but in case you missed some, you can check Table 1.3 and see which one you want to set or change.

The additional setup options are typically those that you set up only once, although some you may revisit in specific shooting scenarios. For example, I prefer to turn on the autofocus confirmation beep in most shooting situations. But at a wedding or an event where the sound of the beep is intrusive, I turn it off.

Also, you may prefer to have vertical images automatically rotate on the LCD to the correct orientation. However, this rotation makes the LCD images smaller, so you may prefer to rotate vertical images only for computer display.

Table 1.3 provides a guide for these additional setup options. If you don't see an option listed in the table, check to see which shooting mode you've set on the Mode dial. Some options are not available in the automatic shooting modes such as Portrait, Landscape, and Sports. If an option isn't available, just change the Mode dial to P, Tv, Av, M, or A-DEP to access the option. In other instance.

Table 1.3 Additional Setup Options

To change these options, press the Menu button, and then follow the instructions in the subheadings in Table 1.3. Options for shooting movies are detailed next post.


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